State of the art, steel structures

steel structures

Basic information
The basic product line comprises:

  • steel constructions for civil and industrial building engineering,

  • steel constructions for bridges,

  • steel constructions for power industry,

  • welded bodies for machinery,

  • welded I-sections. 

For fabrication of steelwork common steel and higher-strength steel are used. Steel plants: "Pokój" ,"ISD Huta Stali Częstochowa", "Moravia Steel-Vitkovice", "Salzgitter Mannesmann", "Arcelor Group", "Spartan UK", "Ferriera Valsider SPA"  and "Dillinger Hütte GTS"  provide us with sheets and structural shapes.

We fabricate about 1000 tons of steelwork monthly, which gives about 12000 tons a year.

Basic manufacturing processes
Our production activity is based on the following workshops:

  • preparation shop,

  • fitting-welding shop,

  • anti-corrosion painting shop,

  • auxiliary shops (power and facilities, machine-shop, toolroom).

Dominating manufacturing processes are:

  • plastic working, including: shearing and gas cutting of sheets and structural shapes,

  • shop assembling of steel structures and machinery bodies,

  • welding of constructions,

  • anticorrosion protection, including cleaning and painting.

Quality control
Quality control is applied to particular stages of the manufacturing process and to the final products as well. We have a laboratory to make the following examinations:

  • chemical analysis of materials,

  • metallographic tests,

  • material strength tests,

  • non-destructive tests of welds - with both X-ray and ultrasonic methods.

Machinery and equipment
Our Manufacturing Plant is equipped with basic production machinery and equipment and auxiliaries for securing appropriate technological processes.

The basic production machinery is the following:

  • CNC machine for plasma cutting and metal sheets drilling (VERNET BEHRINGER)

  • PLC roller cleaner for blast cleaning of sections and metal sheets (RÖSLER)

  • drilling and sawing CNC centre for machining I-shaped sections (VERNET BEHRINGER)

  • CNC machines for oxygen cutting of metal sheets (ECKERT) and (APOLDA) 

  • blasting chamber - 4 positions (SCITEEX)

  • metallization chamber - 3 positions (SCITEEX)

  • pipe torch profiling machine (KISTLER)

  • drilling and milling CNC machine equipped with a rotary table, machining field 3,5x10 m (UNION)

  • machinery and equipment for wire, gas-shielded welding under flux,

  • semi-automatic and automatic machines for oxygen cutting

  • shears for cutting metal sheets up to 25 mm

  • shears for cutting shaped sections

  • saws for cutting sections

  • presses for straightening and bending

  • straightening rollers and sheets & sections winder

  • drilling machines

  • drilling and milling machines. 

Our Plant is located 5 km away from the Warsaw - Katowice highway..
The production capacities of our Plant allow to produce and supply parts of dimensions 4x5x40m and weight up to 70 tonnes.


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